O mnie
Wygląd & charakter
O mnie
First of all let me apologise for writing in English.
I am 100% Polish but haven't spoken Polish for 35 years. I can understand it of course but I am too embarrassed to use it. Ja nie jestem VIP
It occurred to me recently that only a Polish man would be a good match for me, would understand what it means to be a migrant and would also make it possible for me to improve my Polish language.
It's important for me to be on the same wave length, to have interesting topics for conversation, to feel passionate about each other, not to live in the past.
My son lives in London and my daughter in Los Angeles. They love it there so much they have no plans of coming back to Australia. I am a medical doctor, self employed, currently working part-time.
Hoping to find a compatible man to spend time together. Nie lubię palaczy i alkoholików.
Zaniedbanych, bez wykształcenia mężczyzn.
Moje Zainteresowania
I've moved back to Sydney and feel like I'm at home.
Wybaczcie ze nie odpowiadam na listy ale jest to niemożliwe ze względu na to ze nie jestem płatnym członkiem VIP.